'˜Harsh words' from judge for benefits cheat caught out by holiday snaps

Linda Hoey. PIC: PALinda Hoey. PIC: PA
Linda Hoey. PIC: PA
A benefits cheat convicted of swindling £80,934 after being caught out by her own holiday snaps has walked free of court with 'harsh words' from a judge.

Linda Hoey was jailed for a total of 18 months, suspended for two years, after telling “bare-faced lies” to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), a crown court judge said.

The 58-year-old falsely claimed her back pain was such that she needed a stick, “hobbled”, “walked backwards down the stairs” and “used furniture for support”.

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She wrongly claimed disability living allowance from January 1995, although the claim was initially “genuine”.

Linda Hoey while on holiday.  PIC: PALinda Hoey while on holiday.  PIC: PA
Linda Hoey while on holiday. PIC: PA

However, a holiday photograph showed her enjoying a spot of snorkelling abroad, while work colleagues told how she would carry trays with cups of tea.

She deceived the authorities for 15 years, claiming the higher rate mobility allowance and the middle-band of care allowance - cheating the tax-payer of £65,244 in all.

Hoey, convicted after a trial in July, was also found guilty of cheating the operators of the Midlands M6 Toll out of £15,690, for using a disability pass exempting her from charges.

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Sentencing at Stafford Crown Court on Monday, Judge Michael Elsom said: “The time has come where you have to pay the price for 15 years of dishonesty.”

Linda Hoey while on holiday in the Maldives.Linda Hoey while on holiday in the Maldives.
Linda Hoey while on holiday in the Maldives.

He added: “At the time you were telling those lies, you were actually going to work every day, driving yourself to work ever day and you were observed walking.”

Married Hoey claimed she needed a stick to walk any distance, and used one after walking free of court - while family members shielded her from the cameras using umbrellas.

However, the judge said while he accepted medical evidence that she had a “degree of disability”, he found she exaggerated her condition.

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He said: “What followed? You walked up a spiral staircase to get to your place of work.

Linda Hoey while on holiday.  PIC: PALinda Hoey while on holiday.  PIC: PA
Linda Hoey while on holiday. PIC: PA

“So all those assertions were nothing more than bare-faced lies which you continued in this court.